Monday, July 17, 2006


Party! Party! Party!

Well here I am (or rather what's left of me) after our housewarming party on Saturday night. It's Monday morning now and I think I still feel a little hungover. Pitiful. The party started well enough at 5 PM when our very good friends Phil and Scott showed up with presents... a pair of the cutest metal sculptures. Mine is a cat and Blake's is a chicken (no surprise there). Nothing like a little cock and pussy to get a party started I always say. Well, I don't always say that but I might just start now.
Blake, self-proclaimed Master of the Bar-B-Q, was at the grill russling up all sorts of vittles: chicken, ribs, shrimp... I swear if there was a possum around he would have cooked it as well. Phil also brought potato salad and Jason soon arrived with three different salads. I even whipped up a Derby Pasta Salad from a Kentucky cookbook, Spendor in the Bluegrass. Cute. Our other guests started arriving and it was shaping up to be a grand old party.
What follows next is all a blur. All I know is I went from one little innocent glass to wine to this ...

...and the next thing I know I've passed out in my own vomit like a bad 80s rock star. Can anyone say "Axl Rose"? Luckily the paparazzi wasn't there to capture that particular moment of glory.

Three hours later I awoke almost refreshed having missed the bulk of the party. However, it was still going strong and I managed to change shirts and continue with the boisterous merrymaking (albeit sans alcohol) for the next 3 hours or so.

First off, I would like to apologize again to anyone I may have offended or even vomited on in my rather drunken state. I'm afraid I've become Mary Jo Shively who once admitted there are two things she can only handle a small cup of ... liquor and breasts.

Secondly, I would like to thank everyone who showed up. I hope you had a wonderful time. I also hope that someone took lots of pictures so I can see what I missed while I was enjoying my mid-party siesta.

Until the next party ... ROCK ON!

Self-proclaimed? And thanks to Jason for his wonderful dishes!
That picture is fabulous....... if anyone ever needed a picture of a happy pre-vomit drunk, that's the one!
I'm pleased to say that I took that picture...always happy to capture friends at their best/worst for future laughs.

You've been warned!
Color me jealous...and a little sad that I wasn't there to hold your hair while you hurled ;-(
I can send you his shirt with puke on it Jay if you want a memento... :-)
Thank god I have never behaved that way at a party.
Ed, did you and Blake enjoy yourselves at that big Masturbate-a-Thon in London?
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