Friday, April 14, 2006


The Greatest Story Ever Told (AKA The Passion of the Peeps)

Since Easter is right around the corner (or down the bunny trail if you will), I thought I would share my thoughts about the true meaning of the holiday: Peeps. Some of you out there my have no idea what a Peep is. According to Wikipedia (whatever did we do before Wikipedia???), "Peeps are small marshmallow candies, sold in the U.S.A., which are shaped into baby chickens, rabbits, and other animals. Peeps are primarily used to fill Easter baskets. They are made from marshmallow, sugar, gelatin, and carnauba." I remember this one time my best friend Jim and I were in Big Lots and I saw him make a beeline to the Easter Candy. He picked up a little cellophane-wrapped package and said, almost Homer Simpson-like, "Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeps." Then he wiped the drool from his mouth. You see, Jim loves him some Peeps. Almost on a zen level.
Although maybe not as much as this lady:

Some people even like to cook with Peeps while some like to use them in scientific experiments.
You may be asking yourself "How did Peeps become associated with Easter?" I think this picture says it all:

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

For further information about Peeps, check your local library or just plain Google it. Now you know and knowing is half the battle. Go Joe!

For a real treat, put a Peep in the microwave for about 3 seconds (or a whole sleeve of Peeps for about 5 seconds). Heaven.
Even better, take two microwaves and two Peeps and have a Peep Race...first one to blow up loses.
And here was me thinking you were talking about some ghetto kid's inability to describe a collection of human beings!
Honestly, were there drugs involved in this edition of the world according to Ed? Very feminist breasts though, much appreciated. Hope ya'll had an awesome Easter - I avoided the peeps aisle at Boots - though I did enjoy watching the masses purchase over packaged poor quality chocolate eggs from Sainsburys for the annual sugar high. Oh, and by the way, I am in the Serbia at the moment and I am not underwater - ther press exaggerates EVERYTHING! Take care- Ann
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