Saturday, February 11, 2006


Who's Afraid of Kathleen Turner?

The other night Blake and I joined our new friend Wilson for a night of theater. We certainly do seem to have taken advantage of London's theatre scene, haven't we? This time, instead of the usual musical that Blake forces me to see (kidding, Blake), I suggested we see a drama. Now you know I love big, loud, boozy dames so I figured why not see Kathleen Turner in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
I have only seen bits and pieces of the movie which starred Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, George Segal, and Sandy Dennis so I think I was going into this thinking it would be similar to another favorite movie of mine, The Ref. In that particular film, Kevin Spacey and Judy Davis seem to be doing their best George and Martha impersonations, tearing each other apart for sport in front of their unsuspecting kidnapper. Of course, as with most films from the 1990s, everyone lives happily ever after... even the kidnapper. There are no happy endings at George and Martha's house.
You all probably have either read the play or seen the movie so I won't go into the details (if you haven't you can click here). I'll just tell you about the performance. This production reunites all the cast from a very successful, Tony-winning run on Broadway. I'm so glad I got to see this cast because everyone was wonderful.
I had my reservations about Bill Irwin playing George. The only thing I remember him from is playing a gangly clown in big pants on Bill Cosby. I just couldn't see him in the part. Boy, was I wrong! Imagine a really spiteful Niles Crane and you might start to get a picture of Bill Irwin as George. While flipping through the program I discovered that Mr. Irwin won a much deserved Tony for his performance on Broadway.
I hadn't heard of the two actors playing Nick and Honey but they too were perfect in their roles as the exasperated 6 foot blond adonis and his mousey wife who can't seem to be able to hold her liquor.
I have to say that Kathleen Turner was the main reason I had for wanting to see this show. I just love her. I love everything I have ever seen her in. I've even seen V.I. Warshawski probably a half dozen times and loved every minute of it. She definitely didn't disappoint me as Martha. She was just perfect as the gin soaked shrew and unfulfilled seductress of younger men. I'd hate to pick a fight with her after a few drinks. Man, is she a mean drunk!
Next week I'm shlepping Blake to see one of my favorite shows: STOMP! He's never seen it and this will be my fourth time. I can't wait! I love London theatre!

Sounds like a great show -- I just love it when you can refer to someone as "gin soaked".
That's how we usually refer to you, Jim!
Well, someone had to say it. :-)
I hear that men about town brag about their status as "Jim soaked." But of course, that's just what I hear...I don't get out much.
Can I just say "Ewwwww"?
I second that "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww".
Well, I've always like a little Jim on the rocks...with a twist.
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