Friday, May 13, 2005


Last Dance

It's been more than two week since my last post. I'd like to say that it's because I've been terribly busy doing terribly important things, but it's really because I just haven't thought of anything that I want to write about. Today, however, I want to write about. Today is my last day of work at my current job. It's a bittersweet sort of day. On the one hand, I'm giving up a pretty good salary, my own office, wearing shorts to work, and a fairly flexible schedule. On the other hand, I'm giving up lots of down time, unorganized management, and absolutely so career advancement.
I'd like to think that I would have left this place eventually even if Blake hadn't dragged me kicking and screaming to London. (I'm actually really excited about the move now, by the way.)
When I gave my notice two weeks ago, I was really surprised to see how well they took it. Now I wasn't expecting pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth, but a few "how will we survive without you"s would have been nice... even if they were lies. But I'm sure that, even though there will be a few bumps, they will get by. I guess everybody wants to feel that they are indispensable.
My mother took the news very well too ... at first. Now the closer I get to the big day, the more questions she asks and the more "I hope you're not going to regret this" comments she makes. My mother has always been a glass half-empty type of gal anyway so this doesn't come as a shock to me.
And while I like to think of myself as the glue that holds my little circle of friends together, I'm sure they will do just fine without me. Although it would be nice if every now and then one of them says "This would have been a lot more fun if Ed were here."

My editor in Lex just gave us a fabulous teak bar for the back yard, and the grill is ready to be fired up. Grilling vegetables that no one else wants and drinking far too much sure would be a lot more fun if Ed were going to be there. :-)
Grilled vegetables and drinking too much WOULD be better if I was there!
Jay is right. My daily constitutional will be much less enjoyable without you to share.
Michael Buble is coming back to town for a concert - but Im not even going to try to get tickets because it just wouldnt be the same without Ed there. I saw a good looking guy today and started to say 'What big hunk of spunk' - but it just wasnt the same without Ed. And driving to another city to bail someone out of jail - just not the same. Making fun of white chicks with corn-rows - now the thought of it nearly brings me to tears because it just isnt the same with out Ed. And dont even get me started about black girls with blonde hair because IT JUST WOULDNT BE THE SAME WITHOUT ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh I wish Ed was here...wait! He is here :)
I am???
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